
dust_emissivity.fit_sed.fit_modified_bb(xdata, flux, error, guesses, fitter='lmfit', return_error=False, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper SED fitter that uses astropy’s units and returns the fitted parameters & errors


xdata : u.Quantity array

Array of the frequencies of the data; must be equivalent to u.Hz

flux : u.Quantity array

The fluxes corresponding to the xdata values. Must be equivalent to erg/s/cm^2/Hz

guesses : (Temperature,Beta,Column)

The input guesses. Temperature and Column should have units of K and cm**-2 respectively

fitter: ‘lmfit’, ‘mpfit’, or ‘montecarlo’

The fitter backend to use

return_error: bool

Optional argument whether the errors should be returned


pars : list

A list of the fitted parameters with appropriate units

errors : list

(optional: see return_error) The errors corresponding to the fitted parameters